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Calendar vs. Fiscal - What a Difference a Year Makes

You spend time carefully negotiating the real estate tax provisions in your lease to ensure expense pass-throughs will be fair and appropriate, but are you verifying the actual amounts invoiced by your landlord?

Our evaluation of a client’s annual expense statements found that the landlord was calculating real estate tax escalations incorrectly applying fiscal year rates on a calendar year basis, rather than on a fiscal year basis as required per their lease. In addition, the error was further compounded as the client was billed for a full 12-months of real estate tax escalations for the prior calendar year when their lease commenced in July of that year.

  • Our initial review in October 2021 found that the client was overbilled by $12,000 - $8,400 for 2020 and $3,600 for 2021 real estate taxes.

  • The landlord then adjusted their calculations and submitted a revised invoice in December 2021 which continued to include errors, overbilling the client by $4,500 - $3,000 for 2020 and $1,500 for 2021 real estate taxes.

  • Overall, $16,500 in overbillings were identified, a savings of $1.10 PSF for the client.

  • Suggested process improvement of pro-active review of landlord’s escalation invoices going forward to avoid future overpayments.


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